Software Development And Programming Trainings

Solving intricate challenges with elegant simplicity.

Learning & School Management System

Empowering Education, Simplifying Management: Seamless Learning, Effortless Success.

Software Development

Elevate Ideas, Ignite Solutions: Transforming Visions into Digital Reality.

Programming Training

Empowering Aspirations, Unlocking Potential: Master the Art of Code with Precision Training.

JavaScript Frontend Expertise

Crafting Dynamic and Responsive User Interfaces

Master JavaScript frontend development with our comprehensive training. From core concepts to advanced React.js, gain the skills to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces. Elevate your coding journey today!

JavaScript Fundamentals

Core concepts of JavaScript.
Variables, data types, and operators.
Control flow and loops

HTML and CSS Mastery

Building the structure with HTML.
Styling and layout with CSS
Responsive design and media queries

DOM Manipulation and Events

Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM).
Manipulating elements dynamically.
Handling events and user interactions.

Modern JavaScript (ES6+)

Arrow functions, template literals.
Destructuring, spread/rest operators.
Promises and async/await

JavaScript Modules

Introduction to modular programming.
Creating and exporting modules.
Importing modules in a project

API Integration and AJAX.

Fetch API and asynchronous requests.
Consuming RESTful APIs.
Handling responses and error states

Node.js Backend Development Mastery

Building Scalable Applications with JavaScript Modules and Advanced Frameworks

Unlock the power of Node.js for backend development. Our comprehensive training covers JavaScript modules, Express.js, and database integration, enabling you to craft scalable and efficient web applications effortlessly

Introduction to Node.js

Setting up Node.js environment.
Understanding the Node.js event.
loop NPM package management.

Express.js Framework

Building web applications with Express.
Routing and middleware.
Tempting engines (e.g., EJS)

JavaScript Modules in Node.js

Introduction to CommonJS.
Creating and using modules in Node.js
Building modular backend applications

RESTful API Development

Design principles of RESTful APIs.
CRUD operations with Express.
Authentication and authorization

Database Fundamentals

Introduction to databases (SQL and NoSQL).
Working with MySQL and MongoDB.
Querying databases with Mongoose and Sequelize.

Express Middleware and Error Handling

Introduction to modular programming.
Creating and exporting modules.
Importing modules in a project


Authentication and Authorization

Passport.js for authentication.
Role-based access control.
JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure communication

JavaScript Asynchronous Programming in Node.js

Introduction to modular programming.
Creating and exporting modules.
Importing modules in a project


Security best practices in Express.js development
Preventing common security vulnerabilities

Project Work

Applying learned concepts to real-world scenarios

fundamentals/the-browser/debugging Created with Sketch.


Unit testing Express.js applications
Integration testing with tools like Supertest

Network content-delivery-network-cdn Content Delivery Network (CDN) image/svg+xml Amido Limited Richard Slater


Deploying Express.js applications to platforms like Heroku,Hahu Clouds, or Yegara Hosting.

Advisory Team

Meet Our Advisory Team

At Tofi Technology, we're lucky to have an amazing Advisory Team. Picture this group of seasoned pros and visionaries – they're like the wise wizards behind the scenes. They bring loads of experience in app development, programming education, and education tech. Together, they're the masterminds shaping where we're headed. They make sure we stay ahead of the game, keeping our services super innovative and excellent.

Elyas Nuri

Marketing Adviser

Abdulgefar Nurhasen

Tech Adviser

Medina Abay

Tech Adviser

Amir Sefa

Marketing Adviser


Meet Our Team.

At Tofi Technology, our superpower is our awesome team. We're a bunch of diverse and talented folks who are crazy about providing top-notch app development programming training and creating cool school management system software services. We mix our tech skills with a deep understanding of education, and a big commitment to making things excellent. Together, we're shaping the future of education technology!

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